Sunday, September 9, 2012

Both Ridiculous and Redemptive

Courtney experienced God up at camp this summer, no doubt.  He can't stop talking about it.  This will be an exciting year of walking with Courtney through his senior year: discipling him, rooting for him, and pushing him.

Today, after church, he shared with me that the new "tail" he is sporting has spiritual significance.  "As long as I am growing in my love for God, I am going to let this tail grow."

He said it with confidence.
I kept a straight face.

I was impressed.  It's an authentic 'setting apart' for God type thing.

But.  If I'm honest.   It's a little ridiculous too.

I love this stuff.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sights and Sounds of the BEAR

Take 2-3 minutes to see how God moved in the lives of students up at Big Bear.