Monday, July 22, 2013

Sneaking Up on the Guy Sneaking Out: Summer Camp Series 2

It was only the first night.  But it was beyond midnight and I already had an empty bunk. 
Sneaky Guy may appear in this photo.
This wasn’t my first rodeo.  And so the investigation began, through blurry eyes and the gravity of sleepiness. By process of elimination, I discovered who my escapee was.  “D” used the back cabin door as an exit, taking advantage of the fact that there were twice as many doors (2) as adults in the cabin (1).   D just happened to have a girlfriend across the way.  And I was betting she had escaped as well.  Text messages went out to the women’s cabin leader.   Sound sleep kept that leader from returning the message.  Unsure that I would be able to locate the escapees in the dark of the night, I took a different strategy: Lie in wait.

That’s right: Lie (in D’s bed) & wait (while getting sleep).

The first sound I heard was the turn of the door handle.  Then moonlight snuck through the doorframe.  Dude thought he was smooth.  He tiptoed, over a suitcase and towards the bunk.  I remained silent. He put two hands on the bed rail to push himself up.  Suddenly, nose-to-nose, he noticed.
He jumped back.
I popped up.


Then, “Get in bed.”        

And.         Then.           “We’ll talk in the morning.”


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