Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mission Bay Baptism

You may remember Courtney as the guy who pledged to grow a square of hair (a “tail”) so long as his love for Jesus kept on growing too {post titled "Both Ridiculous and Redemptive"}.

The good news [and the bad news-aesthetically speaking] is that tail is still growing strong!

A striking sign of Courtney’s continued spiritual growth was his decision to be baptized last month.   Given the opportunity to baptize Courtney, I asked him three questions.  Each had significant gravity:

 Do you believe that you have a need for God because of your own sin and the brokenness of the world around you?

Do you believe in Jesus, who forgave your sins, died for you, and rose again that you might experience abundant life?

Do you choose follow God all the days of your life and commit to this family of believers, offering the best of your time talents and treasure to King Jesus?

With the affirmative answer to these questions, Courtney was submerged in the salty Mission Bay.  Then he emerged, dripping and smiling.  Amidst the hooting and clapping of onlookers, we witnessed an outward expression of an inward reality.

In Christ, Courtney is a new creation. 

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